4 Steps to managing strong emotions

4 Steps to managing strong emotions

One of the most important skills we can learn is self soothing when under stress or in the midst of conflict.  Our fight or flight system works perfectly to keep us safe from actual danger and threats but it is also given to sending us false alarms.  Consider what...
The secret to managing negative emotions

The secret to managing negative emotions

What I notice in my counselling work is, some of us seem to have developed a misconception we shouldn’t acknowledge negative feelings.  But negative feelings don’t simply go away because we don’t want them to be there.  What reduces our ability to...
How to rise above suffering

How to rise above suffering

In seeking to understand my own sense of “broken-ness” I can often recognize that same suffering in others. I feel a great deal of compassion for that pain and, in the past, I have sought to alleviate the discomfort of others (and my own) in ways that have...
Your mind is like a puppy

Your mind is like a puppy

You may find it surprising but your mind is very much like a puppy.  For comparison, let’s start with my feisty, little West highland Terrier, Charlie.  Charlie was built to be active.  When he was a puppy he could barely walk straight when out for a walk.  He...