Stillness is the key to peace

Making time for stillness gives you the ability to feel more centred, grounded and spacious in your life and is a way to create more peace in a world which desperately needs it. To cultivate stillness I regularly practice meditation and go on silent retreats. Silence...

Is your Relationship stuck in a Distancer/Pursuer Pattern?

The distancer/pursuer pattern is a common relationship dynamic where one partner seeks more intimacy and connection (the pursuer), while the other seeks more autonomy and space (the distancer). While it can be evident in everyday interactions, it is more pronounced...

Self-love: The secret sauce of relationship success

In the quest for fulfilling relationships, we often overlook a fundamental truth: the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. This relationship sets the tone for all others, influencing your interactions, your choices, and your overall...
How to beat the negativity bias

How to beat the negativity bias

The human mind is a negativity magnet.  It’s not a personal character flaw, it's an evolutionary drive to survive.  For survival you need to be on the look out for danger so your mind constantly scans for what could go wrong.  This negativity bias stems back to when...

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The art of letting go

The art of letting go

One of the most tricky things to learn is letting go. Letting go is a practice I find I have to continually come back to when I feel tense and locked into a fixed outcome.  Society conditions us to be attached to outcomes.  We are taught to tough it out, make things...

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3 simple ways to manage lock down fatigue

3 simple ways to manage lock down fatigue

Fellow Melbournians, we are collectively fatigued.  I hear it day in and day out in my counselling and coaching practice.  I feel it in my body and mind.  I admire Melbournians immensely as I listen to our attempts to get on with it, re-frame, call on our resilience and empathise with others in the same boat.  Amidst that, many of us have friends and family in other states that are posting in social media feeds all the things we would love to take for granted again. 

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How to make compassion your superpower

How to make compassion your superpower

In seeking to understand my own struggles, and those of my clients, I often recognise suffering in others. I feel a great deal of compassion for that pain and, in the past, I have sought to alleviate the discomfort in ways that may have fostered an avoidance of...

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What to do when you are stuck

What to do when you are stuck

No one likes being stuck. We do anything to avoid it.  We shop, eat, drink, scroll social media, watch YouTube clips, sleep with people we shouldn't, exercise too much, overwork ourselves.  The list goes on.  Take a moment to reflect and you'll soon recognise what you...

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Coping with uncertainty: 3 essential practices

Coping with uncertainty: 3 essential practices

Uncertainty can really throw us.  We like to know what is coming so that we can be confident we can deal with it. Learning the art of coping with uncertainty is a valuable life skill.  If you can manage your thoughts and emotions when things are uncertain you will be...

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4 Steps to managing strong emotions

4 Steps to managing strong emotions

One of the most important skills we can learn is self soothing when under stress or in the midst of conflict.  Our fight or flight system works perfectly to keep us safe from actual danger and threats but it is also given to sending us false alarms.  Consider what...

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The secret to managing negative emotions

The secret to managing negative emotions

What I notice in my counselling work is, some of us seem to have developed a misconception we shouldn't acknowledge negative feelings.  But negative feelings don't simply go away because we don't want them to be there.  What reduces our ability to move forward is...

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How to rise above suffering

How to rise above suffering

In seeking to understand my own sense of "broken-ness" I can often recognize that same suffering in others. I feel a great deal of compassion for that pain and, in the past, I have sought to alleviate the discomfort of others (and my own) in ways that have fostered an...

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Having connected with some of the world’s leading relationship experts, Amy distils all that wisdom into bite sized relationship hacks – for better love, connection, conflict and communication. 


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red flags

(and their antidotes)

Most of us are familiar with the term “red flags” and everyone has experienced them somewhere in their relationship history. Red flags are issues that signal problems in relationships which, left unaddressed, will eventually lead to relationship breakdown.  Don’t get caught unaware…

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