Stillness is the key to peace

Making time for stillness gives you the ability to feel more centred, grounded and spacious in your life and is a way to create more peace in a world which desperately needs it. To cultivate stillness I regularly practice meditation and go on silent retreats. Silence...

Is your Relationship stuck in a Distancer/Pursuer Pattern?

The distancer/pursuer pattern is a common relationship dynamic where one partner seeks more intimacy and connection (the pursuer), while the other seeks more autonomy and space (the distancer). While it can be evident in everyday interactions, it is more pronounced...

Self-love: The secret sauce of relationship success

In the quest for fulfilling relationships, we often overlook a fundamental truth: the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. This relationship sets the tone for all others, influencing your interactions, your choices, and your overall...
Self-love: The secret sauce of relationship success

Self-love: The secret sauce of relationship success

In the quest for fulfilling relationships, we often overlook a fundamental truth: the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. This relationship sets the tone for all others, influencing your interactions, your choices, and your overall...

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Love and Limits

Love and Limits

Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of love and limits (boundaries). Love provides the warmth, connection, and security that nourish relationships, while boundaries (or limits) establish the respect, autonomy, and individuality necessary for personal...

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Strengthen your relationships with rupture and repair

Strengthen your relationships with rupture and repair

Relationships, at their core, are dynamic journeys filled with ups and downs. The concept of rupture and repair is integral to understanding how relationships can evolve and strengthen through conflict and resolution. In this post, we explore how navigating these...

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7 ideas for a more connected and meaningful new year

7 ideas for a more connected and meaningful new year

As the new year unfolds, it offers a fresh start for you to imagine your life anew. A life well lived is one rich with connection, purpose and meaning. Whatever that means to you is up to you. Your ability to live in alignment with your life’s vision is success....

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The 4 steps to make difficult conversations easier

The 4 steps to make difficult conversations easier

We all need to have difficult conversations, either at work or in our personal lives, so having a strategy for difficult conversations is crucial to successful relationships. Imagine how your relationships could improve if you had a template you could use every time...

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Having connected with some of the world’s leading relationship experts, Amy distils all that wisdom into bite sized relationship hacks – for better love, connection, conflict and communication. 


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red flags

(and their antidotes)

Most of us are familiar with the term “red flags” and everyone has experienced them somewhere in their relationship history. Red flags are issues that signal problems in relationships which, left unaddressed, will eventually lead to relationship breakdown.  Don’t get caught unaware…

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