Is your Relationship stuck in a Distancer/Pursuer Pattern?

The distancer/pursuer pattern is a common relationship dynamic where one partner seeks more intimacy and connection (the pursuer), while the other seeks more autonomy and space (the distancer). While it can be evident in everyday interactions, it is more pronounced...

Self-love: The secret sauce of relationship success

In the quest for fulfilling relationships, we often overlook a fundamental truth: the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. This relationship sets the tone for all others, influencing your interactions, your choices, and your overall...

Love and Limits

Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of love and limits (boundaries). Love provides the warmth, connection, and security that nourish relationships, while boundaries (or limits) establish the respect, autonomy, and individuality necessary for personal...
Who are you?

Who are you?

Who am I? This is a deeply philosophical question that many of us have asked at some point in our lives. We tend to think of ourselves as one singular, solid entity. I am Amy. But who is Amy? Am I an amalgamation of the things that make me, me - my history, job,...

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The upside of stress

The upside of stress

Contrary to popular belief all stress isn’t bad Too little stress is problematic and can lead to lack of motivation and depression while too much stress can lead to overwhelm and anxiety.  The middle ground is where we experience a healthy level of stress which...

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How meditation changed my life

How meditation changed my life

I first learnt how to meditate about 15 years ago because I was getting a lot of comments from friends and family about how stressed I was.  One friend said I would literally buzz when I walked into a room because I was always so busy and preoccupied.  I did not want...

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The art of letting go

The art of letting go

One of the most tricky things to learn is letting go. Letting go is a practice I find I have to continually come back to when I feel tense and locked into a fixed outcome.  Society conditions us to be attached to outcomes.  We are taught to tough it out, make things...

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4 empowering questions to transform lock down 2.0

4 empowering questions to transform lock down 2.0

I don’t know of anyone who is delighted by the second lock down.  Perhaps they are out there but most of us are heartily sick of being restricted.  My heart sank when I heard the news. I briefly regressed to my childhood self and there was swearing and foot stomping. ...

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Coping with uncertainty: 3 essential practices

Coping with uncertainty: 3 essential practices

Uncertainty can really throw us.  We like to know what is coming so that we can be confident we can deal with it. Learning the art of coping with uncertainty is a valuable life skill.  If you can manage your thoughts and emotions when things are uncertain you will be...

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Your mind is like a puppy

Your mind is like a puppy

You may find it surprising but your mind is very much like a puppy.  For comparison, let's start with my feisty, little West highland Terrier, Charlie.  Charlie was built to be active.  When he was a puppy he could barely walk straight when out for a walk.  He would...

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How to move from stress to empowerment

How to move from stress to empowerment

Not all stress is bad.  What??!!!, I hear you say - no way.  It's common knowledge that stress has lots of negative impacts on both physical and mental health.  But wait... Studies have found that the way we perceive stress determines the impact on our health.  Seeing...

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How to get more space for you

How to get more space for you

Life will always be busy.  There is no end to our inbox!  And, no one is going to give you permission to stop.  The only person who can do that is you, but first of all we need to shift perspective.  We can sometimes feel like we are the centre of the universe and it...

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Having connected with some of the world’s leading relationship experts, Amy distils all that wisdom into bite sized relationship hacks – for better love, connection, conflict and communication. 


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red flags

(and their antidotes)

Most of us are familiar with the term “red flags” and everyone has experienced them somewhere in their relationship history. Red flags are issues that signal problems in relationships which, left unaddressed, will eventually lead to relationship breakdown.  Don’t get caught unaware…

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