Stillness is the key to peace

Making time for stillness gives you the ability to feel more centred, grounded and spacious in your life and is a way to create more peace in a world which desperately needs it. To cultivate stillness I regularly practice meditation and go on silent retreats. Silence...

Is your Relationship stuck in a Distancer/Pursuer Pattern?

The distancer/pursuer pattern is a common relationship dynamic where one partner seeks more intimacy and connection (the pursuer), while the other seeks more autonomy and space (the distancer). While it can be evident in everyday interactions, it is more pronounced...

Self-love: The secret sauce of relationship success

In the quest for fulfilling relationships, we often overlook a fundamental truth: the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. This relationship sets the tone for all others, influencing your interactions, your choices, and your overall...
How do you know if it is love?

How do you know if it is love?

How do you know if it’s love? – what a complex question!  Given the Eskimos have approximately 50 words for snow, how is it possible that the Western World only has one word for love?  As I plan and research this article I’m seduced by the many layers and nuances of...

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What is love?

What is love?

The question, “What is love?” may seem a simple question but if you ponder it deeply there are layers of meaning which may lead you straight down the proverbial rabbit hole.  While Wikipedia will tell you it is a song recorded by Trinidadian-German Eurodance artist...

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Stop feeling guilty:  How to overcome guilt

Stop feeling guilty: How to overcome guilt

One of the most common questions I am asked is, “How do I stop feeling guilty?”  Many people want to know, “Why do I feel guilty so easily?”, “Does guilt ever go away?”, “How do I let go of guilt?”  Sometimes it is easy to identify that the guilt is related to a clear...

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Self-compassion when things are hard

Self-compassion when things are hard

Self-compassion is a radical act which can soothe suffering, build empathy and acceptance, and improve your relationships.  You may consider yourself a compassionate person but do you actively apply compassion to yourself? Most people are unfamiliar  with generating...

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Freedom from shame: The three keys

Freedom from shame: The three keys

The tell-tale signs of shame According to leading shame researcher, Brene Brown, shame is an “intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.” Feelings of shame have been around since human beings first...

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Hello shame (a personal letter)

Hello shame (a personal letter)

As a Psychotherapist it is really important that I do the therapeutic work myself.  I wouldn't want to see a financial adviser who hadn't tried the strategies and made themselves some money.  Equally, I wouldn't expect my clients to come and see me if I didn't...

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A profound practice to free yourself from emotional reactivity

A profound practice to free yourself from emotional reactivity

Have you ever had that feeling of emotional reactivity when you go from zero to one hundred in a matter of seconds?  We express this reactivity in different ways.  “I was so triggered”, “It just really got to me”,  “They made me so angry”.  It is a feeling of being...

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Feeling lost?  The path to clarity awaits…

Feeling lost? The path to clarity awaits…

Feeling lost brings up a combination of emotions that are often difficult to sit with and we often seek to avoid. These feelings may include confusion, disconnection, disempowerment, sadness and anxiety. But what if we can explore that sense of being “lost” as a...

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Can you crack the secret code in difficult emotions?

Can you crack the secret code in difficult emotions?

Successfully managing difficult emotions is one of the most challenging skills we can learn.  Have you ever logically known that you shouldn’t say what you’re about to say but you just can’t stop yourself?  You may know that you are making things worse but you feel...

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Having connected with some of the world’s leading relationship experts, Amy distils all that wisdom into bite sized relationship hacks – for better love, connection, conflict and communication. 


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red flags

(and their antidotes)

Most of us are familiar with the term “red flags” and everyone has experienced them somewhere in their relationship history. Red flags are issues that signal problems in relationships which, left unaddressed, will eventually lead to relationship breakdown.  Don’t get caught unaware…

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